PSD2 API Documentation
PSD2 API Documentation
The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) regulates payment services and service providers throughout the European Economic Area (EEA). Thus, more non-banks are involved in payment transactions, consumer protection is further strengthened and the rights and obligations of payment providers and users are harmonised.
Among others PSD2 contains regulations of new services to be operated by so called Third Party Providers (TPP) on behalf of a Payment Service User (PSU).
PSD2 services
The services can only be used by licensed TPPs possessing the specific eIDAS certificate. Each service offered by a TPP needs to be instructed by the customer, here called PSU.
Technical Documentation
The basis for our PSD2 XS2A Interface implementation are Berlin Group’s NextGenPSD2 XS2A Framework Implementation Guidelines Version 1.3.8, Croatian Banking Association (CBA) PSD2 API documentation and KABA documentation:
- Kaba Information on Open API Bank for TPP rls. 15.09.2023.
- Kaba Open API General Testing Conditions rls. 15.09.2023
Technical documentation will be made available to you after you finish the registration process via this form.
What to expect
Our technical documentation provides the necessary information to interact with Karlovačka banka’s XS2A Interface, such as:
- Preconditions – Requirements you need to fulfill, so that you are able to access our services.
- Service endpoints – Information on the PSD2 specific endpoints accessible through our XS2A Interface.
Our Sandbox allows you, as a TPP, easy-to-use testing against our PSD2 compliant XS2A Test Interface, which corresponds to the system in operational use. Get in touch with us to get started.
How to Sandbox
Our Sandbox environment allows you to proceed an integration testing with you application and the Karlovačka banka PSD2 API. The Sandbox simulates API responses in a production site behavior. Resources will be generated dynamically in the Sandbox and will be a reflection of the production API system.
Please look out on Technical Documentation for more detailed information on the Sandbox test approach. The test scenarios are aligned to the KABA Test Guideline test cases.
The test data (IBAN, User credentials etc.), provided in the KABA Test Cases , has to be used for the positive test scenarios, as they are linked to the underlying artificial test accounts. If you use any other test data, you will get back the correlating error message.
Before you can get started, following steps must be fulfilled:
- You need a valid test or production eIDAS TLS certificate which are used for establishing a secure TLS connection (certificate for website authentication – QWAC), issued by a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP). This enables Karlovačka banka to identify and verify you as a TPP.
- You need to register yourself for the Sandbox. As a part of the registration process, you can provide us your e-mail address, where you want to get informed about potential downtimes or updates. Also we will provide you the detailed Test Guideline and Test Cases.
How to register
- You contact us via registration form and request to be registered for our Sandbox environment and the detailed Test Guideline.
- We will respond to you and ask you for the provision of the required information (e.g. eIDAS certificate details and broadcast e-mail).
- After you provide us with the requested information, we will register you in our system and create the required prerequisites to enable you for the test. After the completion we will send you a confirmation mail containing the detailed Test Guideline and Test Cases.
- Congratulations, you are ready to test with Karlovačka banka!
Contact for questions, difficulties, complaints and additional information
API users and persons performing tests can contact the Bank for additional information or submit complaints regarding PSD2 compliance and Bank API:
- directly through the Bank’s web site PSD2 API – Suggestions and comments
- by submitting e-mail to
- by submitting e-mail to dedicated address for PSD2 area and API interface